Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy Holidays and Taiya is 5 months old!

Happy Holidays from the Thompsons! We had such a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed lots of fun activities with all our family and friends. We are so blessed and grateful to be able to make memories with all of our loved ones this holidiay season. Taiya also turned 5 months old on January 1st! Here our some of our holiday pictures and of course, more Taiya pictures too!

Just can't get enough of these smiles...

Taiya loves hanging out with mom while she gets ready.

The Thompsons have a tradition where they all get together a few days before Christmas and everyone helps make sugar cookies (Kath, Barb, and Jan do most of the "hard work"- thanks you guys) and then frosts and eats them! Its so fun to get together and laugh, eat lots of dough (that's my favorite part of the cookie making process), make silly frosting colors, eat pizza, eat even more cookies, and feel way sick by the end of the day ;) So worth it. Anyways this was Taiya's first year getting to participate in decorating cookies...

Grandma & Grandpa Thompson bought Taiya this darling little Christmas dress!

These winter days can be so cold!

I took total advantage with it being Taiya's first Christmas and had to celebrate the whole month of December with lots of cute little outfits.

Some of my most favorite girls... Jess, Jame, & Erin (Steph we miss you so much and were so sad you weren't able to make it this day). I love our girly lunches and I love these girls!

This poor little girl is teething... notice the shiny, slimy, sweet little face that is covered in drool... I wish those dang teeth would just pop out already so she stop hurting. It makes mommy so sad for her :( But I can't complain because she has been handling it like a champ. Other than not being as smiley as usual, you would never know!

First pair of Christmas pajamas (Christmas Eve)

Christmas morning....

Trying to wake Travis up so we could go see what Santa brought!

Taiya loved this talking puppy, but other than that she mostly just wanted to eat the wrapping paper and packaging.

Getting spoiled at Grandma and Grandpa Felds

Grandma Judy, Tessa, & Taiya

Little Miss Belle

Playing with Grandma Pennie & Lexi (And getting spoiled. Again.)

Family Christmas Photo 2009

She looked so cute in her Christmas dress that I had to snap a few more pictures...

These are the kids that I use to nanny. I just love them to pieces! I miss them like crazy but I feel so lucky that I still get to watch them at least once a month or so. We always have so much fun, like this day when we built a gigantic fort. The kids told me that they were standing in the "attic." Ha

Taiya holding her bottle all by herself!?!? I am so NOT ready for this. It seems like too much of a big girl thing to do. I don't want her to grow up so fast!!!!

We had a blast on New Year's Eve at our friends' Derek & Tiff's party! Thanks so much you guys!! We always have so much fun with you guys! "Back in the olden days......." Haha! Tiff I love you! I laugh everytime I see these pictures cause we are in their bedroom trying to get Taiya to go to sleep but as you can see didn't want to miss any of the party and was not about to go to bed! She was being so silly and cute which makes it almost impossible for us to not play with her!

Toasting in the New Year... I am really looking forward to this next year with my amazing husband. I really do love this stage in our lives and getting to spend so much time with him. I have it so good. Trav I love you so much! I am so lucky to have you and thank you so much for all that you do for our little family!

Taiya at 5 months old....

The past month she..
Figured out how to take her binky out of her mouth and put it back in.
Has her hand in her mouth constantly.
Likes to chew on her tongue.
Lifts her head and feet off the ground when laying on her back trying to sit up.
Makes us fall more and more in love with her every day, if that's even possible.
We love you so much little girl.



What a beautiful little girl! And you are as cute and skinny as ever! Hope I look that good after only 5 months:)

The Wrights said...

What a darling little chubba love you guys have! She is getting so big... I can't stand it. Looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas! We sure miss you!

Travis and Addie Ohrn said...

you look so great and so happy! we really do need to hang out soon! I told Trav a couple weeks ago to text your Trav and see what you were up to but then things came up so we really like of you all the time and want to hang out soon! I'll text you :)

Kara Simmons. said...

Sadi you are way too nice about my photography. I honestly barely know what I know what I am doing let alone teach others! I would seriously just confuse you and lead you the wrong direction because I am terrible at explaining things.
But here is a perfect website that really helped me understand my camera:
I love this website if you have never heard of her! She blogs all the time about photography.

Lacey Tait said...

Taiya is just to cute! Doesn't it make things so much more fun and exciting with a little one around! We will have to get Taiya and Nahla together sometime they can be little chunks together!!

Jonathan and Kiri said...

She is getting so big! She really is just adorable. Brenan showed us all the cute picture of Taiya in her pink tutu when he came over for New Years. You really have the sweetest family!

Ashley said...

So cute!!! Wow! :)

The Staples Fam said...

Are you kidding me? 5 months?? She is so cute. Spencer always tells me that he thinks you guys have the cutest little girl.. he's right! It's so fun that they are so close.. I look at all the clothes and baby things you have and Lucy has all the same stuff!